» rgb description




RGB is an interactive musical installation for 2-9 users made by Tomas Dvorak (CZ), Alessandro Capozzo (IT) and Matous Godik (CZ).


Main purpose of the work is idea of audience participation in the musical creation on the live performance.


Communication between musicians and audience is made trough specially designed flashlights. Each of them can emit 3 basic colours of the spectrum: red, green or blue. Other colours can be made by combining primary colours together.


Goal of the project is the research for possibilities of the live performance using such frame of the communication.


The art content are the algorithms and schemes of the communication.


Each algorithm is unique musical scheme. Every new step of the project is release of new concepts and algorithms. While first package called "Rgb 1" focused on the harmonical and tonal aspects of the musical communication, the new version "Rgb 2" focuses on more advanced sound and tembre aspects.


Project is presented trough live performance with the audience or even sessions limited to the number of the users with flashlights. Both schemes - Rgb1 and Rgb2 are presented as one package.