» live score / basic description

Live Score installation/performance is realtime working score with physical based interface. Somehow our variation of the idea how could score look nowadays.

The space of the Live Score (white paper) is taken by webcam connected with computer and custom made musical interactive software. Via sprays, stencils, different paper fragments, bubbles etc can Tomas Vanek (the performer) operate improvisation of musicians in real time in purely physical way.

The whole performance always starts with the concert of the invited musical band or music individual, in the meanwhile Vanek is sampling sound fragmets of the concert into the Live Score.

Based on this "collected fragmets" we develop the live improvisation in the second main part of the performance. It is pure improvisation - nothing prepared, so the result is always totally different.

If you want to know more about this project check the detailed description with some more explainable video examples. Or see the video archive from our performances.

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